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Club de Futbol Sala

24 hores de Futbol Sala al pavelló Nino Buscató

El Club de Futbol Sala Pineda organitza les 24 hores de Futbol Sala de Pineda aquest divendres i dissabte. El President del Futbol Sala Pineda, Mariano Urbano ha explicat que participaran un total de 12 equips. El torneig començarà a les 9 del vespre al pavelló Nino Buscató de Pineda i els partits es juguen fins demà. La final està prevista demà a partir de les 6 de la tarda. Les 24 hores de futbol Sala és un torneig emblemàtic a Pineda amb premis importants i trofeus.
 Les 24 hores de futbol sala es fan amb la col.laboració de la Regidoria d'Esports de l'Ajuntament de Pineda.

The segment closes with an essay that exhibits how instructors' writing assignments can be joined into the assessment procedure. "Criteria for Measuring Authentic Intellectual Achievements in Writing," by Kendra Sisserson, Carmen K. Keeping an eye on, Annie Knepler, and David Jolliffe, provides details regarding the aftereffects of a cooperation between the creators and Chicago state funded school educators. The writers from typemyessayscom talk about an exhaustive rubric that, in contrast to other appraisal techniques, doesn't concentrate only on student writing. One piece of the rubric "assesses the degree to which writing assignments request that students develop information, expand, and relate their writing to their own lives," while the other part "analyzes the degree to which students exhibit these abilities." The rubric permits educators to measure both the achievement of students' writing and the nature of their own assignments.